The coronavirus has transformed the way we live. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been lost and much of the world, including most of Europe, has been locked down. Things only starting to ease up in recent weeks.
Even in difficult times such as these, there are positive stories to tell. Europeans have come together to help one another fight the virus, protect health services, and take care of the vulnerable. The European Union has mobilised over €3 trillion to that end.
Is a campaign spreading positive stories of European solidarity and resistance against the virus.
We at Magikbee were absolutely delighted to be invited to join the campaign. We were asked to join after our latest app, Virus Fight Club, came to the attention of EU officials.
The game, available across all smartphones and tablets, aims to spread positive messaging on how to limit contagion of the coronavirus. In Virus Fight Club, the player must traverse global cities distributing masks and practising social distancing.
Magikbee was one of many varied initiatives that make up the #EuropeansAgainstCovid19 campaign, which you can read up about here.
As part of the program, our CEO, Hugo Ribeiro, featured this week on a Zoom conference hosted by the European Parliament. The participants included MEP Pedro Silva Perreira and Giedrė Eiliakas, the owner of a restaurant chain that is using its sites to cook for hospital workers. You can hear then different perspectives of the participants by watching the conference here.
All things considered, we are extremely proud to have the change to use our skills as educators and developers to make a difference. We will keep striving to be a force for good!